Direct Mail Services

Whatever your mailing requirements, save time and money doing it the Right Sort way
Our Expertise will save you money....

No matter what your Direct Mail needs are we can help!
C5, C4 & DL (*C6 Available) Envelope Insertion
We currently run 3 envelope inserting machines with a 4th due Spring 2023. From 1 to 6 items per envelope we can also match multiple personalised items into each envelope with potential throughput of 12,000 per hour.
*Contact us for more information.
C5 & C4 Polythene Insertion
We have 1 machine specifically for this purpose, where we can insert A5 and A4 items into polythene with up to 3 inserts (including cover sheet). A cover sheet is used to print the addressee details, postage mark and any other relevant information and inserted with the mail piece.
Flyers & Postcards
We can print from A6 to A4 full colour* cards and flyers, personalised to get your customers attention without the need for inserting and envelope costs, with a potential throughput of 15,000 per hour it’s quick, effective and very affordable.
*on supply of compatible art work
Letters & Cover Sheets
Full colour, single colour, sepia, black on white, white on black, letters/letterhead, cover sheets, envelopes, personalised or not, if it needs printing, we can handle it.
Data Processing
To maximise your discounted postage costs we prepare your data to meet the requirements to benefit from the best options and services available. Dedupe and data cleaning are also available.
Postal Discounts
As we pre-sort and batch for the postal service to get your mail delivered, we benefit from reduced costs, which in turn we can pass on to you!
For Example: Sending 4,000 Domestic 2nd Class letters with Right Sort can save you on average £800!
Consumer & Business Data Sourcing
Need to drum up some new business? Whether you wish to target businesses or consumers, locally or nationwide, we work with a partner company to provide up to date high quality profiled data in compliance with GDPR. Buying data can be a minefield, let us at least guide you to a reliable and trusted source.